Thursday, August 16, 2007

Other's Thoughts on Karl Rove

These I Wish I had Said!

In a few days Presidential aid and confidant is leaving the White House and politics for the present. This "political serial killer who tried to forge a one-party state. But don't expect the Mayberry Machiavelli to pay for his civic sins" as described by Sidney Blumenthal.

Garrison Keillor says

"He left the White House with a wave and a grin and not in handcuffs as some had hoped, followed by the usual backwash of commentary on how important he was, or how not important in comparison to how important some people thought he was, and what I find eerie about the man is his inexhaustible self-confidence and optimism. "

"His last big assignment was to get the immigration bill passed. It failed in large part because Congress is tired of Mr. Rove and his boy-genius high-handedness."

". . .Most of the people who pick our beans and tomatoes are men and women forced to sneak across the border, and why? Because they're a security threat? No. So that we can get them cheap, that's why. "

"Mr. Rove spoke with great confidence about beans and tomatoes and showed slides and got standing ovations in many places, but he didn't get the crops in."

"No wonder they called him turd blossom! Karl Rove could put fecal matter on his lapel and call it a boutonniere. Goodbye and good riddance"

Karl Rove is one of those political operatives that was given too much authority by a President who owes him a great debt. Without Karl Rove, George W. Bush would have never been elected President. Rove's efforts to form a coalition of the Christian Right and the Republican Party is a failure. Karl had no business in the operation of the White House and this observer is convinced that his actions have hurt the United States in many ways that we may not ever understand. The White House has been used for the protection of big business, not a vehicle of conservatism as it claims.

Take a long hard look at your government at every level. Is is practiced in the open? Are issues unreasonably hidden and secrets kept? Is your Congressman one of them or on the side of good government? Is your Congressman responsive to your need? Look at the candidates for President and determine for yourself, if they are responsive or just answering what they think you want to hear?

Let's let this Administration be an example of what we do not want and what is corrupt. We haven't seen this sort of hard ball politics in decades. Maybe together we can put it out of business.

I want to thank some very special friends for bringing my attention to Garrison Keillor's comment. To my good friend from Cherry Lane, thanks!

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