Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Doug Marlette

A True Champion of Freedom of the Press.

I met Doug during the first Alamance Reads program. I first watched his presentation in Burlington to a packed house. Later he was at a more intiment venue in Mebane. I boldly walked up to him and introduced myself. He found out that I had served as Mayor of Mebane and he responded, "And you still go out in public?" That evening he autographed every thing that I could put my hands on. Among them was a copy of The Bridge, for every member of my family.

Doug Marlette was afraid of no man. He tackled the top and the bottom of society. Doug was a Southern Rebel Rosier at heart and could laugh at any thing or any body.

We often wonder about God's will in the loss of someone as talented as Doug. However, it must remain one of those mysteries that only God understands. We are confident that the heavenly host are having a good laugh with Doug'scaricature of Satin and his crowd.

Artist, political observer, novelist, and a great guy are adjectives to descrip Doug Marlette. He always had the ability to poke fun at the most sacred and respected.

Thanks, Doug, for your treasures that you have given us.

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